{(set: $costume to 0)
(set: $witchCostume to false)
(set: $mummyCostume to false)
(set: $ghostCostume to false)
(set: $slimeCostume to false)
(set: $detectiveCostume to false)
(set: $parfaitCostume to false)
(set: $mermaidCostume to false)}
You are a bunny.
You are going to a Halloween party.
You don't have a costume.
Quick, put something together before the party starts!
//You have up to ''eight possible endings'' and costumes. Each time you get a costume, you will receive a code snippet to embed into your personal site.
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/bunmap.png" alt="A map of eight possible bunny costumes">
[[Start->partyStart]]You have been invited to a Halloween party.
Not just *any* party, but a BUN MCCOOL party.
Only the coolest people go to his parties.
That's why you have to get a costume, *stat.*
What will you do?
[[Call your friend.->call]]
[[Go last-minute to the costume store.->store]]
[[Try to find something in your room.->room]]You call your best friend PUMPKIN.
She always has the neatest Halloween costumes.
"Hey there! Did you forget your costume again?"
"You did, didn't you?"
"Ok, here's what you're gonna do. I have a super-cute hat for you. All you need to do is..."
[[Dye your fur->dyeFur]]You book it to the costume store.
Half-torn maid costumes, vampire teeth on the floor, and glitter *everywhere.*
It's pandemonium.
You try to find a costume, but nothing seems to fit. Not even "80's disco man." You give up when you are almost trampled by a horse.
[[Get somewhere safe!->storeOutside]]You try to find something in your room. You sift through your Timothy hay bed, last week's dirty laundry, some claw polish... but nothing sparks any inspiration.
...hey, you found your planner you lost last month!
And also unearthed a piece of carrot cake Mom gave you for your birthday. Six months ago. Yuck. No amount of necromancy could ressurect //this// cake.
You realize you've gotten so distracted that the party is starting and you *still have no costume.*
[[You start to panic.->neighbor]]"Do *what?*"
"Trust me, it's gonna look awesome. Call me when you arrive."
You have a bottle of black dye. From last year's Halloween. You hope it's still good.
[[Grab that dye!->dyeGet]]{(set: $heldItem to "dye")
(unless: $witchCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $witchCostume to true)
]}(You obtain a bottle of BLACK FUR DYE.)
You step into the shower. Carefully, you squeeze the dye into your paws.
It's a little crumbly, but it'll do.
You take your keys and bounce.
[[Go to the party->atParty]]{
(if: $heldItem is 'dye')[<p>PUMPKIN is waiting on BUN MCCOOL'S front lawn.
Her kitty eyes narrow in delight when she sees you.</p>
<p>"*Fantastic!* You used the non-permanent stuff, right?"
"Nevermind. I have the *perfect* hat for you."</p>
<p>With a flourish, she whips out a tall, pointy witches' hat. PUMPKIN really is the best.</p>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #C45AEC 2px; background-color: #cecbd2; color: #C45AEC; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A WITCH.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/1_witch_bun.png" alt="A bunny in a witches' outfit">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;">
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #C45AEC 2px; background-color: #cecbd2; color: #C45AEC; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;">
<strong>You are A WITCH.</strong>
<img src="">
<br>Hall-O-Zine 2021
](else-if: $heldItem is 'bandages')[<p>Animals are already starting to filter into the party.</p>
<p>You finish tying the bandages behind a nearby bush.</p>
<p>When you step out, your best friend PUMPKIN waves at you. "Hey! I thought you'd have forgotten your costume, but this is awesome. Looks super realistic."</p>
<p>"Of *course* I didn't forget!" you laugh triumphantly and nervously at the same time.</p>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #A93601 2px; background-color: #FFF1EB; color: #A93601; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A MUMMY.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/2_mummy_bun.png" alt="A bunny in a mummy outfit">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;">
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #A93601 2px; background-color: #FFF1EB; color: #A93601; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;">
<strong>You are A MUMMY.</strong>
<img src="">
<br>Hall-O-Zine 2021
](else:)[<p>PUMPKIN is waiting for you on the front lawn when you get there. When she sees you, her face falls. "Did you forget your costume?"</p>
<p>"Maybe you can convince people at the party to give you...something more exciting."</p>
<p>"Hey! It's a //costume//!"</p>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #0059FF 2px; background-color: #E3E3E3; color: #0059FF; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; margin: auto;">
<strong>You are a GHOST.</strong>
<img src="http://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/3_ghost_bun.png" alt="A bunny dressed like a sheet ghost">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;">
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #0059FF 2px; background-color: #E3E3E3; color: #0059FF; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;">
<strong>You are a GHOST.</strong>
<img src="">
<br>Hall-O-Zine 2021
[[Replay?->welcome2]] or [[Enter BUN MCCOOL'S house->enterParty]]
}Outside, you notice a pharmacy. It's a stretch, but maybe...you can find a costume?
You wonder if you can pull off a wizard with a bathrobe and a bedpan.
And then you see it.
Like a bolt from the blue, you are hit with inspiration.
[[Buy that THING!!->bandagesGet]]{(set: $heldItem to "bandages")
(unless: $mummyCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $mummyCostume to true)
It's going to take some time to get ready, but you can make it work.
If it's for a BUN MCCOOL party, you can make *anything* work.
You soak the bandages in tea, then dry them.
Then you start to wrap yourself.
''Oh no!'' You're running late!
[[Go to the party->atParty]]Your best friend PUMPKIN is probably already there.
The Halloween stores have probably all sold out.
What are you going to do?
Looking around in panic, you spot a white SHEET billowing in the wind.
Your neighbor has put their laundry out to dry.
Stealing is a crime...right?
[[Not if it's for a costume!->sheetGet]]{(set: $heldItem to "sheet")
(unless: $ghostCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $ghostCostume to true)
]}You hop out the window.
You are about to commit a crime.
A bunny crime, which is cuter than most crimes, but is //still a crime.//
You grab the sheet in your teeth and pull.
The SHEET flops over you.
You flee the scene. Like a //criminal.//
(You obtain A WHITE SHEET.)
[[Go to the party->atParty]](if: $costume >= 7)[
You get a call on your phone. It's BUN MCCOOL.
You pick it up.
"So...how'd you do it?"
[["How'd I do what?" ->coolCall]]
(else:)[You are a bunny.
You are going to a Halloween party.
You don't have a costume.
Quick, put something together before the party starts!
//You have up to ''eight possible endings'' and costumes. Each time you get a costume, you will receive a code snippet to embed into your personal site.
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/bunmap.png" alt="A map of eight possible bunny costumes">
]You step into BUN MCCOOL'S house.
You're overwhelmed with pulsing 90's electronica. You look for a place to hide.
There's a punch bowl in the corner that looks enticing...
But there's also a door that seems to lead out to the backyard.
At the center of the dance floor is a lovely glittering someone, weaving gracefully between the other animals.
[[Head towards the punch bowl -> frogFriend]]
[[Go outside to the backyard -> snackTable]]
[[Get yourself to the dance floor -> otterFriend]]You wander over to the punch bowl. It's bright green. Pieces of Jell-O are floating in it and smoke is rising up from the bottom like a witch's cauldron.
There is a FROG who is wearing a sparkly dress and a flapper wig.
"And what are you supposed to be?" she asks, gesturing in the general direction of your ghost costume.
"I'm a ghost."
"No sweetie, you're a Bed Bath and Beyond. We're gonna have to zhuzh that up before someone sees this tragedy."
Suddenly, she freezes.
"Quick, jump in the punch bowl!"
[["But that's a crime!" -> jumpBowl]]In the backyard, there is a snack table with a few people chatting around it. Cautiously, you approach it.
"Hey! Welcome to Snack Club. Or, at least that's what we're calling it," a PANDA says. "We're debating our favorite snacks."
"Well, //obviously// the best snacks are ''spicy''," a TIGER says.
"No, ''sweet snacks'' are where it's at," says the PANDA.
"I dunno...I think ''salty snacks'' are the best," says a RAT.
The three of them turn to you.
"What do you think?"
[["''Spicy'' snacks! Set my mouth aflame!"->spicySnack]]
[["I like my snacks ''sweet'', thank you."->sweetSnack]]
[["Whenever I'm hungry, I grab a ''salty'' snack."->saltySnack]]You dive into the heart of the party, swimming straight towards the animal covered in glitter.
The flashing lights converge on the dancing creature. They are wearing a dress made of glittery teal scales and seashells around their head. When they turn towards you, their face lights up.
You are thankful they can't see you blush underneath the sheet.
"H-hi," you say shyly.
"Wanna dance?" they say, their eyes luminous.
[[Dance with them -> otterDance]]
[[Run away in embarassment -> runAway]]"You've already committed crimes against //fashion//!" she hisses. "And BUN MCCOOL coming over here!"
You whip your head around to see him approaching. Oh, //yogurtsnacks!//
You could hide in the punch bowl. But people would have to //drink// out of that punch bowl.
You sigh. You've already done a bunny crime once. And bun crimes...just beget more bun crimes.
[[Jump in the punch bowl, you criminal -> slimeBun]]{(unless: $slimeCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $slimeCostume to true)
]}{<p>You jump in the punch bowl and crouch down.</p>
<p>The smoke just covers your ears.</p><p>To your horror, BUN MCCOOL ladles some Jell-O right next to your face into his waiting cup.</p>
<p>"How are you enjoying the party?" he asks to the FROG, who laughs nervously.</p>
<p>"Your Halloween parties have the best costumes!" she says. "You know what—I have a friend of mine whose outfit you would <em>adore...</em>"</p>
<p>"Lead the way, then!" Their voices are getting smaller and smaller. You poke your head out.</p>
<p>The coast is clear.</p>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #65eb17 2px; background-color: #000000; color: #65eb17; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A SLIME.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/4_slime_bun.png" alt="A bunny dressed like a slime">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #65eb17 2px; background-color: #000000; color: #65eb17; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;"><strong>You are A SLIME.</strong><br><img src=""><br>Hall-O-Zine 2021</div>
[[But wait... -> almostCaught]]
</p>}"UGH!" BUN MCCOOL shouts.
The party goes silent.
"Who put FUR in my punch!?"
You try to osmose through the wall, but unfortunately, the slime is only a costume.
The FROG'S eyes bulge, and whispers ripple through the party.
"Did someone put fur in the punch bowl?"
"Well, it wasn't me!"
"Who could have done such a crime?"
BUN MCCOOL'S eyes drift back over to the punch bowl, and, to you.
//Uh oh.//
[[Quick, think of something, fast! -> thinkFast]]You hold out your paw, and they take it in their webbed one.
You dance. They're very graceful. When you spin them around, they laugh. "I love your costume."
"Really? It's just a boring sheet."
"Nonsense," they say, bobbing their head.
"Hey. I have a crazy idea. What if we trade?"
"Besides...I want to see the mystery bun underneath that //boring// sheet." They wink.
I-is it getting hot in here?
[[Nooo, run away! -> runAway]]
[[Take off your sheet -> mermaidCostume]]{(unless: $mermaidCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $mermaidCostume to true)
{<p>You pull the sheet off.</p>
<p>The OTTER hands you their costume--and something else.</p>
<p>"I'm gonna dance until I drop, but if you wanna grab some tea later, say the word--"</p>
<p>"Mystery bun."</p>
<p>As they wrap the sheet around their shoulders like a magnificent glittery cape, you look at your paw.</p>
<p>You have a new costume—and their PHONE NUMBER.</p>
<div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #aeecc6 2px; background: linear-gradient(301deg, rgb(73 199 144) 35%, rgb(36, 186, 69) 60%, rgb(105 207 124) 100%); color: #0a5050; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A MERMAID.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/5_mermaid_bun.png" alt="A bunny in a mermaid costume">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><div style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding: 10px; border: solid #aeecc6 2px; background: linear-gradient(301deg, rgb(73 199 144) 35%, rgb(36, 186, 69) 60%, rgb(105 207 124) 100%); color: #0a5050; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center;"><strong>You are A MERMAID.</strong><br><img src=""><br>Hall-O-Zine 2021</div>
</p>}{(unless: $detectiveCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $detectiveCostume to true)
]}{<p>Thinking fast, you grab the first hat off of a fellow partygoer and plop it on your head.</p>
<p>"Who could have done this terrible atrocity, indeed!" you bluster loudly, pacing the room. Everyone is looking at you. You straighten up and grab a bubble pipe that is offered to you.</p>
<p>“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”</p>
<p>You reach over and pluck some fur from BUN MCCOOL'S cheek.</p>
<p>"BEHOLD! It was <em>your own fur all along.</em>"</p>
<p>A gasp erupts from the crowd.</p>
<p>You are a <s>MASTER CRIMINAL</s> DETECTIVE.</p>
<div style="width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: linear-gradient(-45deg, var(--bg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, var(--fg) 75%, var(--fg)) 0 0,linear-gradient(-45deg, var(--fg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, var(--bg) 75%, var(--bg)) 1em 1em,linear-gradient(45deg, var(--fg) 17%, transparent 17%, transparent 25%, var(--fg) 25%, var(--fg) 36%, transparent 36%, transparent 64%, var(--fg) 64%, var(--fg) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent 83%, var(--fg) 83%) 1em 1em;background-color: var(--bg);background-size: 0.7em 0.7em;color: hsl(0deg 27% 25%);font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;--fg: hsl(11deg 15% 53%);--bg: hsl(40deg 39% 73%);margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A DETECTIVE.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/7_detective_bun.png" alt="A detective bunny">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><div style="width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: linear-gradient(-45deg, var(--bg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, var(--fg) 75%, var(--fg)) 0 0,linear-gradient(-45deg, var(--fg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, var(--bg) 75%, var(--bg)) 1em 1em,linear-gradient(45deg, var(--fg) 17%, transparent 17%, transparent 25%, var(--fg) 25%, var(--fg) 36%, transparent 36%, transparent 64%, var(--fg) 64%, var(--fg) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent 83%, var(--fg) 83%) 1em 1em;background-color: var(--bg);background-size: 0.7em 0.7em;color: hsl(0deg 27% 25%);font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;--fg: hsl(11deg 15% 53%);--bg: hsl(40deg 39% 73%);"><strong>You are A DETECTIVE.</strong><br><img src=""><br>Hall-O-Zine 2021</div>
</p>}(set: $friendName="SUGARCANE")"I like my snacks ''sweet'', thank you."
"Fellow sweet tooths unite!" the PANDA says cheerfully. They hand you some mini-brownies.
"My name is $friendName," the PANDA says. "What's your costume?"
"I'm a ghost," you say sheepishly.
$friendName looks like he is thinking. He opens one eye and nods at you. "What do you think about dressing like a snack?"
"What kind of snack?"
"A ''sweet'' one, of course." He collects some snacks off the table.
"We'll make you a parfait. ''Sweet strawberry ice cream'' with ''chocolate biscuits'' with cream on top."
[[You're a super sweet parfait! -> parfaitBun]]{(unless: $parfaitCostume is true)[
(set: $costume to it + 1)
(set: $parfaitCostume to true)
]}{<p>After $friendName'S makeover, you take a look at yourself.</p>
<p>Your fur is finely coiffed, the biscuits positioned //just so//.</p>
<p>And to top it off, you made a new friend!</p>
<p>"Hello, hello! Who's this fashionable parfait?" You turn around to see PUMPKIN, a toothy grin on her face.</p>
<p>$friendName smiles. "Aren't they great? I helped."</p>
<p>PUMPKIN nods approvingly. "I gotta say, I think you outdid yourself."</p>
<div style="width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(255 153 174) 45%, rgb(255 255 255) 100%);color: #754343;font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;margin: auto;">
<strong>You are A PARFAIT.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/6_parfait_bun.png">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><div style="width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(255 153 174) 45%, rgb(255 255 255) 100%);color: #754343;font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;"><strong>You are A PARFAIT.</strong><br><img src=""><br>Hall-O-Zine 2021</div>
</p>}"Got all the costumes. To get them you'd have to..."
A pause.
"You would have to be like me."
You look outside of your window. BUN MCCOOL is standing outside in his signature red leather jacket and pompadour. He smooths his ears back, coolly.
"Sorry man, but now we gotta fight. There can be only one Time Leaper."
BUN MCCOOL suddenly phazes through your window with a blue flash and kicks a hole in your wall.
You are probably not going to the party.
What will you say?
[["I don't wanna fight!" -> noFight]]
[["Let's rock and roll, MCCOOL." -> fight]]"I don't wanna fight!" you yell. "Besides, time leaping doesn't make any sense! You'd have time paradoxes!" You passed the //Time Travel, Mathematics and You!// course in high school so of course you know about time paradoxes.
"Naw man!" BUN MCCOOL yells back. "You can avoid 'em!"
"You just <a href="https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/27483/20200928/new-mathematical-model-proves-time-travel-happen-without-paradoxes.htm" target="_blank">square the numbers</a>, man."
"That's ridiculous, that's //way// too simple."
"No, wait. I'll prove it to you." BUN MCCOOL takes a pen from his leather jacket and a whiteboard.
He skritches some numbers and shows you.
//Two spatial transitions...//
//Carry the one...//
"Aw, //yogurtsnacks,// you got me!" you say, holding up your paws. "So...no fighting?"
"You know..." he says, "I think I have another way."
[[Success! //Defused the fight with the power of maths!// -> bunMcCoolEnd]] "Let's rock and roll, MCCOOL."
You dodge his time punch, and counter with a roundhouse to the face. ''//Yeah!//''
You exchange punches and kicks in a spectacular blowout fight. Sweet guitar music is playing, but you don't know from where. Through his punches, you can see BUN MCCOOL'S big heart behind his cool exterior. You respect that.
No, not just respect.
Your room has been turned upside-down. You both flop to the ground, exhausted.
"You beat me fair and square," he huffs.
"You're an amazing fighter," you puff.
He offers you his paw. You shake it.
[[Success! //You and BUN MCCOOL are best friends.// -> bunMcCoolEnd]]{<p>"You will take over my role, man. It is now your job to throw COOL PARTIES and lie, in wait, for the cool bunny who will be next."</p><p>"Also you can leap through time and pet dinosaurs which is pretty rad."</p><p>He hands you his signature red leather jacket and a mirror.</p><p>You look into it.</p><p>You have suddenly, inexplicably grown a pompadour.</p><p>You are BUN MCCOOL now.</p>
<div style="font-size: 19.5px !important;width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: conic-gradient( var(--fg) 0%, var(--fg) 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 10%, var(--fg) 10%, var(--fg) 15%, transparent 15%, transparent 20%, var(--fg) 20%, var(--fg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 30%, var(--fg) 30%, var(--fg) 35%, transparent 35%, transparent 40%, var(--fg) 40%, var(--fg) 45%, transparent 45%, transparent 50%, var(--fg) 50%, var(--fg) 55%, transparent 55%, transparent 60%, var(--fg) 60%, var(--fg) 65%, transparent 65%, transparent 70%, var(--fg) 70%, var(--fg) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent 80%, var(--fg) 80%, var(--fg) 85%, transparent 85%, transparent 90%, var(--fg) 90%, var(--fg) 95%, transparent 95%, transparent 100%);background-color: var(--bg);color: #4e290b;font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;--fg: hsl(353deg 93% 57%);--bg: hsl(40deg 39% 79%);margin: auto;">
<strong>You are BUN MCCOOL.</strong>
<img src="https://illuminesce.neocities.org/hallozine/8_pompadour_bun.png" alt="A bunny with a pompadour and a leather jacket">
Hall-O-Zine 2021
<p><em>Copy and paste this code to show off your costume on your website!</em>
<textarea style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><div style="font-size: 19.5px !important;width: 150px;height: 200px;padding: 10px;border: solid #dc9dba 2px;background: conic-gradient( var(--fg) 0%, var(--fg) 5%, transparent 5%, transparent 10%, var(--fg) 10%, var(--fg) 15%, transparent 15%, transparent 20%, var(--fg) 20%, var(--fg) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 30%, var(--fg) 30%, var(--fg) 35%, transparent 35%, transparent 40%, var(--fg) 40%, var(--fg) 45%, transparent 45%, transparent 50%, var(--fg) 50%, var(--fg) 55%, transparent 55%, transparent 60%, var(--fg) 60%, var(--fg) 65%, transparent 65%, transparent 70%, var(--fg) 70%, var(--fg) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent 80%, var(--fg) 80%, var(--fg) 85%, transparent 85%, transparent 90%, var(--fg) 90%, var(--fg) 95%, transparent 95%, transparent 100%);background-color: var(--bg);color: #4e290b;font-size: 20px;line-height: 1.2;text-align: center;--fg: hsl(353deg 93% 57%);--bg: hsl(40deg 39% 79%);"><strong>You are BUN MCCOOL.</strong><br><img src=""><br>Hall-O-Zine 2021</div>
[[Replay (from TIME TRAVEL end)->welcome2]]
[[Reset (reset costumes and return to START)->welcome]]
</p>}You can't bear the weight of your bun crimes.
No matter how cute they are!
You sink to the floor under BUN MCCOOL'S critical gaze. "It was me! I was the one who jumped in the punch bowl!"
He looks at you, raising his eyebrows.
"That is supremely..."
"Un McCool."
PUMPKIN is sitting with you on the curb, outside the party. She offers you a carrot pop. You take it. PUMPKIN really is the best.
"You're probably not the first person he's kicked out."
Your ears slump. "Right..."
"Well...better luck next time?"
[[Replay?->welcome2]]Your heart is pounding.
Your mind is racing.
He's looking //right at you.//
What are you going to do?
[[Admit your guilt -> guiltyBun]]
[[Confess nothing! -> detectiveBun]]Your face is hot, your palms are sweaty...it's all too much!
You scamper away. Their face falls as they watch you leave.
You spend the rest of the party hiding underneath the snack table. Sometimes snacks fall and you eat them. PUMPKIN eventually finds you sulking and coaxes you out with a carrot pop.
The two of you spend the rest of the night at Benny's, stuffing your face with pancakes.
"I can't believe I ran away," you moan, smacking your face with your palm.
"You'll ask them out next time," PUMPKIN reassures you. "Don't worry."
[[Replay?->welcome2]](set: $friendName="PAPRIKA")"''Spicy'' snacks! Set my mouth aflame!"
"Heck yeah, that's what I'm taking about!" the TIGER says triumphantly. They hand you some wasabi peanuts.
"My name is $friendName," the TIGER says. "What's your costume?"
"I'm a ghost," you say sheepishly.
$friendName looks like she is thinking about something. Suddenly, her tail puffs up. "Why don't you dress as a snack?!"
"What kind of snack?"
"A ''spicy'' one, of course!" She starts to grab snacks off the table.
"We'll make you a parfait! ''Cayenne ice cream'' with ''black pepper biscuits'' with cream on top!"
[[You're a spicy parfait! -> parfaitBun]](set: $friendName="POTATO")"Whenever I'm hungry, I grab a ''salty'' snack."
"That's what I'm talkin' about!" the RAT says triumphantly, crossing her arms and smirking. She hands you some chips.
"My name is $friendName," the RAT says. "What's your costume?"
"I'm a ghost," you say sheepishly.
$friendName ponders something for a moment, then gasps. "Hold on--what d'you think about a snack costume?"
"What kind of snack?"
"A ''salty'' one, of course!" He collects some snacks off the table.
"We'll make you a parfait. ''Beet ice cream'' with ''salted caramel biscuits'' with sea salt cream on top."
[[You're a salty parfait! -> parfaitBun]]