IWAKAN Volume 03 特集 政自

The Government/Individual Edition

■English summary | 英語の概要

Reclaiming our personal political power.

The gender gap in politics and the stark lack of participation of people with genders and positions other than male and female in the decision-making process of the legal system. This issue is packed with ideas for reclaiming our political power as individuals.

Special highlights of this issue include a conversation with Yu Ishizuka, the actor who starred in the movie "The Fish with One Sleeve" and "Politicized Voices," a column about Kan, who declared his marriage to his partner in the UK, as well as columns on political movements in Indonesia, Hong Kong, and South Korea, "Imaginary Election Poster for One" by artist super-KIKI, and photos from the queer "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party."

This issue is packed with visuals.

CJ Note: This is a labor of love and obsession with documenting queer and alternate voices in Japan. If you are a translator/native speaker and feel I've made an error, please contact me at (illuminesce @ pm (.) me).

■日本語の原板 | Original Japanese (via the online store)



■価格 | Price

1,650 JPY

■初版刊行日 | First Publication


■目次 | Table of Contents

06 イシヅカユウ× Kan 対談「政治化される声」/イシヅカユウ、Kan
12 ASIAN WAVES/見市健、古橋綾、熱田敬子
16 アカデミアにおける政治的アクティビズム/生駒夏美、加藤恵津子
18 SCUM MANIFESTO/Clotilde Puy
24 人生は「誰と、どこで、どう出会ったか」/薮内美佐子
30 触覚と横断/小玉智輝
36 PEOPLE VOICE OPINION Let the people speak!
46 怒れるべき時に一緒に怒れる社会に/Akira the Hustler
52 MIMESIS/Boundary Studies
60 “ワタシ”と政治
64 不在の中のわたし/Sho Akita
66 クリーンな世界の裏側 憧れとコンプレックスが生み出すいびつなファンタジー/高田冬彦
70 Dialogue for Solidarity/シャン、Isobel、mina、ラビアナ
74 ひとり妄想選挙ポスター/super-KIKI
76 Planet Andromeda: Transition Day
83 政治の話をしましょうか/Ana
84 ラディカルな穏健/佐々木ののか Stopped Making Sense/Noemi Minami
85 なんちゃら話/須田レーナグレイス、雨夜
86 不完全な私のビューティーハンドブック/Yuri Abo
87 Asian Gaze/潟見陽 from loneliness books
88 IWAKAN Open Art Contest
90 違和感瞬間 桜を見る会

Cover Design: 福岡南央子 (woolen)

■Photos | 写真