
Some quick facts about me:

My background is in design research, and have led many successful projects and workshops for our clients to build to their users’ needs. I work bilingually in both English(native) and Japanese(N2).

Some of my recent clients have been ustwo, TVTokyo, and JEIS(JR East).

Previously, I worked with Goodpatch as their Lead UX Designer on Prott, a free rapid prototyping tool that is used by designers worldwide. There, I pioneered an agile user testing process in our product team which I documented in Japanese. Before that, I was a Senior Interaction Designer at frog, a global design and innovation consultancy.

I’m a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. I give talks on how to design gender-inclusive systems. I’m an active member of the Tokyo Rainbow Toastmasters Club and won second place in the 2021 Regional Toastmasters Speech Contest for my speech “It” about coming out as nonbinary.

I love to travel.

I initially debated putting my professional portfolio next to my games out of concern for being seen as a "not legitimate" designer—so much of software design revolves around the newest tech trends and not taking lessons learned from other fields and porting them to software. I care less about the hottest trends and more about making things that are inclusive, accessible, and fun.

If you want to chat, send me a mail at illuminesce (at) pm (dot) me.