
Recently, my friend perroquadrado and I have been sharing links for various RSS readers we've been using. He mentioned liking blog posts where authors post links of interesting articles they've read that week or month.

This week I've been on vacation and have been diving into not only the ocean, but also some interesting books and articles on romance and desire as I'm in the process of developing a romance game.

Life and New Experiences

Interesting links from my RSS feed and new things. I'd love to try a a walk and talk someday.

On Desire and the Otome Game Genre

I'm developing a romance/otome game, and for research, have been delving into the nature of desire and the otome genre viewed from a feminist lens.

Japanese Novels/Comics | 日本語の小説・漫画

I also practice Japanese regularly by picking up new and old novels and comics to read.

Hope you enjoy these links as much as I did.

CJ is a designer and indie dev. They write as a hobby. If you like this article, why not say hello in an email or buy them a coffee to support their work?